Monday, April 21, 2014

Tired of farming for the Stormrider Mount?

An Everyone win raffle for the Stormrider mount is being hosted on Wizard Central.
Click here for more info Wizard101 Central Raffle Info
From Wizard Central:
"In memory of Lady Stormrider, Kingsisle decided to name a cool mount after her!

Everyone who enters this raffle will win!!

Everyone who enters will receive a code containing a Stormrider Hare via EMAIL in May 2014!!
We will announce when the emails have been sent."
Sounds cool right? Yeah, so if you have been farming for hours or you just want another one, they are now receivable from an everyone wins raffle.
And for Lady StormRider this is what Lord Stormrider had to say about the subject..
"Lady Stormrider was in a slight jam today and after fighting a good fight, used her last reshuffle TC and changed realms on us. Seems the bad guys were getting the best of her in this one and she saw it coming. Pulled her last Reshuffle TC and cast it this morning. If you remember her, please do so with a smile. She would have wanted it that way as that's what she had for everyone she met." ~Lord Stormrider
I might not know her but that she sounds like a lovely lady and I feel sorry about happened to her
R.I.P Lady Stormrider
Have a wonderful day

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